Are Golden Retrievers Bad For Asthma And Allergies?

Do you have asthma or allergies and want to get a Golden Retriever? The thought of getting a dog only to find out that you are allergic to them and cannot spend much time around them is simply heart-breaking.

To help you avoid such a scenario, we have dived into our research and gathered all the information you would need to know whether you can get a Golden Retriever, even though you have asthma or allergies. 

Are Golden Retrievers Bad For Asthma And Allergies?

Yes, Golden Retrievers are bad for asthma and allergies. Golden Retrievers are not hypoallergenic because they do not have a low dander rating. Golden Retrievers shed frequently, and that has a negative effect on those who are allergic or asthmatic.

Are Golden Retrievers Hypoallergenic

Are Golden Retrievers Hypoallergenic?

Even though Golden Retrievers are one of the most, if not the most, ideal dogs for family, they are not hypoallergenic. If you have a family member who is allergic to dogs, Golden Retrievers will unfortunately not be a family dog option for you. 

Although there are no dog breeds that are 100% hypoallergenic, people tend to refer to less problematic breeds as hypoallergenic. These less problematic breeds are dog breeds that do not trigger people’s allergies as much as other dog breeds. 

How Allergenic Is A Golden Retriever?

Golden Retrievers are significantly allergenic, and this fact is evident based on their prominent fur coats. Golden Retrievers generally have medium to long double coated fur coats. Even if you regularly groom your Golden Retriever, their fur coats will still be prominent, and Golden Retrievers tend to shed frequently. 

Another reason shy Golden Retrievers are significantly allergenic is their level of dander. Dander is responsible for triggering allergies in people. Therefore, the less dander a dog produces, the more hypoallergenic they are. Unfortunately, Golden Retrievers produce a significant level of dander.

How To Know That You’re Allergic To Dogs?

If you are allergic to dogs, you will display several symptoms such as:

  • Facial pain/itchiness
  • Sneezing
  • Persistently runny nose
  • Skin rash
  • Trouble breathing
  • Burning/itchy eyes

If you experience symptoms such as sneezing, runny nose, and coughing, your allergies may be mild. However, if you experience symptoms such as red eyes, trouble breathing, and swelling around your eyes, then you may be severely allergic. 

If you are mildly allergic, you may get away with living with a Golden Retriever. However, you should implement a few routines to ensure that your allergies are not triggered more than they have to be. You should vacuum regularly to ensure that your Golden Retriever’s fur is not lying around.

You should ensure that your Golden Retriever does not enter your room, and this will ensure that you at least have one room in your home that is completely free of allergens. I recommend opening your door and windows as often as possible to get some air circulation.

You should keep your Golden Retriever outside the house for a few hours per day. My last recommendation is to bathe your Golden Retriever as often as once a week, and regular bathing will ensure that they have a low level of dander. However, note that you should ensure that your dog’s fur remains healthy.

Suggested – Best Dog Shampoo For Golden Retrievers

Can Golden Retrievers Trigger Asthma?

Yes, Golden retrievers can trigger asthmatic reactions. Dogs that shed a lot of furs often do not make great pets for people with asthma because of the high amounts of dander they produce. Dander is the protein found in the fur, saliva, and urine that triggers asthma when an asthmatic person comes into contact with dander left on the furniture, floor, and air. Vacuuming routines and consistent grooming are a few ways to decrease the effects of dander.

Are Golden Retrievers Good For Asthmatics?

Golden retrievers are not ideal pets for asthmatics. Golden retrievers are not part of the hypoallergenic breed of dogs, which means that they often shed and produce dander. It is not the fur you, as the owner, are allergic to but the protein found inside the dander and saliva.

You can still keep a golden retriever despite your asthma; however, you will have to consult a physician who will advise you on the medication and guidelines to reduce allergic and asthmatic reactions.

Beautiful Golden Retriever

Do Golden Retrievers Bother People With Allergies?

Golden Retrievers are known to suffer from flakes and dandruff, which may aggravate allergies. Golden retrievers have a beautiful golden double coat that keeps them warm in the winter and allows moisture to escape and keep them cool. Although they make the best family pets due to their protective nature, their frequent shedding makes it difficult to keep them around if you have allergies.

Their shedding releases dander particles into the air, furniture, and floor, which may negatively affect those with allergies when they come into contact with it.

Which Breed Of Dog Is Best For Asthmatics? 

If you have allergies and asthma yet love dogs, various breeds are compatible with you. It is essential to understand that allergens or asthmatic reactions are not caused by the dog themselves but by dander. Dander is found in dogs’ fur, saliva, and urine and is responsible for increasing allergic and asthmatic reactions.

An allergy or asthma for one dog breed does not make you allergic to all dogs; instead, some dogs produce less dander and make better companions regardless of your allergies or asthma. Shih Tzu, Kerry Blue Terrier, and Bichon Frises are great examples.

Which Dog Is The Most Hypoallergenic?

To understand why some breeds are hypoallergenic, we first must understand what it means for a dog to be hypoallergenic. Hypoallergenic dogs do not shed as much as dogs who are not hypoallergenic. 

For a dog to be hypoallergenic, they have to produce a low level of dander. With that being said, the most hypoallergenic dog is the Maltese. The Maltese experience a minimal amount of shedding, thus making it the best breed for those who suffer from allergies. 

Why Are People Allergic To Golden Retrievers?

Contrary to the myths, people are allergic to Golden Retrievers simply because they are not hypoallergenic, and Golden Retrievers are not a good match for anyone who has allergies. 

Although some people believe that the dog’s fur is the issue, that is not the case. The source of their allergies is the protein that dogs produce, and this protein can be found in your dog’s saliva, urine, and skin. 

golden retriever 1

Golden Retrievers produce a high level of these proteins, and as they go about their day, they leave them around your home. As you spend time in your home, these proteins will inevitably affect you if you are allergic.


Are Labradors Good For Asthma?

Labradors are not suitable for asthma or allergies. A Labrador’s downfall is their long hair because they are prone to shedding, which does not make them an ideal choice of breed for people who suffer from asthma or allergies.

Are Goldendoodles Hypoallergenic Dogs?

Goldendoodles are a hypoallergenic dog breed. This means that they do not shed their fur as much as other dogs. This makes Goldendoodles an ideal pet for people with allergies or asthma.

Can You Be Allergic To A Golden Retriever?

Yes, it is possible to have a Golden Retriever allergy. Golden Retrievers do not belong to the hypoallergenic breed of dogs, which means that people with allergies or asthma cannot keep them as pets. This is due to their constant shedding of fur, which can be problematic.

Allergic To Golden Retriever But Not Other Dogs

It is possible to have an allergic reaction to Golden Retrievers but not other dog breeds. Some dogs are hypoallergenic, which means that their fur does not shed or produce a lot of dander. Golden Retrievers, however, are not hypoallergenic because their fur often sheds, which causes problems if you have allergies or asthma.

Can Dog Hair Cause Asthma?

Yes, dog hair can cause asthma. Dog hair is known to harbor saliva and dander, which causes the body to react negatively. Shortness of breath is among various symptoms that may occur when one is allergic or asthmatic and comes into contact with dog hair.


Golden Retrievers are not hypoallergenic; however, this should not prevent you from keeping one. No dog is entirely hypoallergenic, so there could be a possibility that you experience allergic or asthmatic reactions to other dog breeds too. 

Suppose you are asthmatic or have allergies but want to keep a golden retriever. In that case, you should speak to a physician who will assess the severity of your allergies or asthma and advice you on ways to manage it when your Golden Retriever moves into its new home.

It is of the utmost importance that you know how to interact with your Golden retriever and the measures to take to manage your allergies better.

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