When Do Golden Retrievers Stop Growing? How Big Do They Get? (Growth Chart)

Are you looking to understand when Golden Retrievers stop growing? Are you a new Golden Retriever puppy owner who wants to understand the maturity cycle of Golden Retrievers? Well, you have come to the right place.

Although every Golden Retriever puppy is unique, each one of them goes through similar developmental stages. Knowing the norm will allow you to identify when your Golden Retriever deviates from it, and you will be able to identify potential health issues. I will discuss when Golden Retrievers stop growing and factors that affect Golden Retrievers’ growth.

When Do Golden Retrievers Stop Growing?

Golden Retrievers will stop growing at approximately the age of 18 months. They undergo several development stages during the first twelve weeks of their lives. After twelve weeks, Golden Retrievers lose their puppy-like appearance and develop adult features. At this stage, Golden Retrievers would have reached their full adult height and weight. 

How Big Will My Golden Retriever Get?

At the age of 18 months, most Golden Retrievers would have already reached their full height and weight. The average weight of an adult Golden Retriever ranges from 65 to 75 pounds. In contrast, that of an adult female Golden Retriever ranges from 55 to 65 pounds. In addition, the approximate height of an adult male Golden Retriever ranges between 23 to 24 inches, while that of an adult female Golden Retriever ranges between 21 to 23 inches.

Golden Retriever Portrait

Golden Retriever Size, Growth Timeline

So below is the Growth Chart for male and female Golden Retriever Puppy, which indicates the range of weight and average weight at a particular stage of their age.

Golden Retriever Male Puppy Growth Chart

Golden Retriever AgeRange Of WeightAverage Weight
7 Weeks 4 to 17 Pounds9 Pounds
8 Weeks5 to 17 Pounds10 Pounds
9 Weeks8 to 17 Pounds12 Pounds
10 Weeks10 to 22 Pounds15 Pounds
11 Weeks12 to 25 Pounds17 Pounds
3 Months16 to 43 Pounds22 Pounds
4 Months25 to 44 Pounds30 Pounds
5 Months27 to 57 Pounds40 Pounds
6 Months29 to 72 Pounds44 Pounds
7 Months32 to 77 Pounds48 Pounds
8 Months49 to 85 Pounds55 Pounds
9 Months45 to 77 Pounds61 Pounds
10 Months50 to 77 Pounds63 Pounds
11 Months55 to 77 Pounds68 Pounds
1 Year65 to 77 Pounds68 Pounds
2 Years65 to 80 Pounds73 Pounds

Golden Retriever Female Puppy Growth Chart

Golden Retriever AgeRange of WeightAverage Weight
7 Weeks 5 to 17 Pounds9 Pounds
8 Weeks5 to 17 Pounds10 Pounds
9 Weeks8 to 17 Pounds12 Pounds
10 Weeks10 to 22 Pounds15 Pounds
11 Weeks12 to 25 Pounds17 Pounds
3 Months16 to 33 Pounds22 Pounds
4 Months22 to 44 Pounds30 Pounds
5 Months25 to 52 Pounds40 Pounds
6 Months27 to 61 Pounds43 Pounds
7 Months31 to 67 Pounds45 Pounds
8 Months40 to 70 Pounds52 Pounds
9 Months44 to 68 Pounds52 Pounds
10 Months52 to 68 Pounds60 Pounds
11 Months52 to 80 Pounds65 Pounds
1 Year55 to 90 Pounds70 Pounds
2 Years55 to 90 Pounds70 Pounds

Factors That Affect Golden Retriever Puppy Growth

Factors That Affect Golden Retriever Puppy Growth

You may have noticed differences between your Golden Retriever and other Golden Retrievers. Even though every dog is unique, some factors affect the growth of Golden Retriever puppies. Some of these factors are:


Eating the correct food in the right amounts is the basis for a well-balanced diet. Like humans, dogs also need the proper nutrients to promote healthy growth. A poor diet will negatively impact your Golden Retriever’s growth.

When your Golden Retriever eats a healthy amount of healthy food, they will experience so many great health benefits, such as an immune system boost, strong bones, and a strong cardiovascular system.

Have you heard the saying, “You do not need a silver fork to eat good food?” The same applies to your Golden Retriever. If you want to promote healthy growth through your Golden Retriever’s diet, then you should take the time to ask around, do some research and do some trial and error to discover which food is best for your dog. 


Genetics is one of the main factors that affect the growth of Golden Retrievers. This factor cannot necessarily be altered. However, an irregularity in your Golden Retriever’s genes can cause them to be smaller than the average Golden Retriever.

Your Golden Retriever could possess a genetic disorder that causes them to be smaller than average. There has been a misconception stating that smaller Golden Retrievers are not purebred, but that is not always the case.

Health Issues

Illnesses prevent Golden Retrievers from growing as they should. When a Golden Retriever is ill for a prolonged period, they will not grow as they should. Health issues such as intestinal worms steal calories from the food that your dog eats. 

Your dog’s digestive system will not be able to absorb those calories, so your dog will be weak. Such things are difficult to spot, especially when you are a busy individual or a new dog owner. I would suggest that you take your dog to the veterinarian for regular checkups to ensure they are healthy. 

Physical Activity

To help your Golden Retriever remain healthy, you should ensure that they receive adequate physical activity. Golden Retrievers are active dogs by nature, so you would not have to do much to get them to engage in physical activity. 

Active Golden Retriever

Physical activity will help your Golden Retriever grow and develop muscles, improve bone and joint functions. However, too much exercise from a young age could be detrimental to their growth. It could damage their muscles and joints.

I would suggest playing with them in the yard/park from an early age; this is a fantastic opportunity for them to exercise and for the two of you to bond.

If you simply cannot squeeze walks with your Golden Retriever into your schedule, then you could ask a friend, family member, or hire someone to walk your dog regularly.  You can try out these best leashes for your Golden.


Golden Retrievers that are neutered at a younger age tend to grow taller than those that are not. However, neutering your Golden Retriever puppy could have adverse side effects such as irregular joint formation. Your Golden Retriever will also be exposed to certain forms of cancer.

Dangers Of Stunted Or Accelerated Growth

As dog owners, we have specific preferences regarding the appearance of our dogs. For example, people who prefer larger Golden Retrievers will feed them more to accelerate their growth. On the other hand, people who like smaller Golden Retrievers will feed their dogs less to maintain a small frame.

Overfeeding and underfeeding your Golden Retriever to ensure that they achieve a specific frame is wrong. Aside from the fact that overfeeding your dog could lead to hip or elbow dysplasia, it is detrimental to your dog’s health. Instead, you should feed your dog a healthy amount of healthy food.

golden retriever

Irrespective of your Golden Retriever’s size, as long as they are leading a healthy life, you should accept them as they are. They are unique in their own right, and trying to stunt or accelerate their growth causes more harm than good.

Major Growth And Development Period

Golden Retrievers undergo significant growth and development within their first year. Let us take a look at their temperament, character, and physical growth within this crucial year.

From Birth To Five Months

This is the optimal time to teach your Golden Retriever obedience and simple day-to-day habits that you would need them to develop. This is the personality-shaping phase.

Puppies have limited and unstable mobility within their first week of life. During this time, puppies would need their mothers to teach them basic behavior. This is also when puppies should be taught to socialize with humans.

The best time for a Golden Retriever puppy to come in contact with its owner is when they are three months old. When your Golden Retriever puppy is 4 to 5 months old, it will develop a more puppy-like temperament. They will chew on everything because their teeth have started growing. They will also be full of energy and be bouncing around continuously.

Age Of Five Months To One Year

This is an awkward growth stage. Your Golden Retriever puppy’s ears, tail, legs, and nose begin to grow. These body parts are likely to develop slightly out of proportion compared to the rest of their body. This is no cause for worry; this irregular growth is entirely normal.

During the second half of the one year of growth, your Golden Retriever will undergo rapid change. At this stage, you should closely monitor them to ensure that they are not doing anything that would put too much pressure on their joints. If your Golden Retriever is undergoing some Joint Problems, you can look at these 5 Best Joint Supplement For Golden Retrievers.

When Do Golden Retrievers Mature Mentally?

Golden Retrievers typically mature mentally at approximately the age of 2-3 years old. Unfortunately, trainability and mental maturity are entirely different concepts. Your Golden Retriever puppy can be the most trainable dog out there but still quite naughty. 

The period before your Golden Retriever achieves mental maturity; you should take the opportunity to teach them rules, obedience, valuable training and allow them to socialize with other humans and dogs. But, how to do it if you are unknown to it? Well, here are the best training books for your Golden that you should not miss out on.

Over-training your Golden Retriever will not make them mature quicker, but they will have a firm foundation when they mentally mature. Golden Retrievers are known for being active but loving dogs.


When Do Female Golden Retrievers Stop Growing?

Female Golden Retrievers generally stop growing at the age of 18 months. They typically reach the height of 21.5 to 22.5 inches tall. Their general weight ranges between 55 to 65 pounds. Female Golden Retrievers generally reach full height by the time that they are one year old. They reach their full weight at the age of two.

When Do Golden Retrievers Stop Growing In Height?

Golden Retrievers typically reach their full height when they are one year old. By the time they are four months old, Golden Retrievers would typically have reached half of their full height. When they are 6 months old, they would normally be two-thirds of their full height.

When Do Golden Retrievers Heads Stop Growing?

Most puppies take up to 12 to 18 months to fully develop. Your Golden Retriever’s head will typically stop growing once they are fully developed. When they lose their puppy-like appearance, you will notice the most change in the size of their heads. Even though their heads still grow after that, the difference is not too drastic.

English Cream Golden Retrievers When Do They Stop Growing?

English Cream Golden Retrievers typically stop growing between the ages of one to two years old. They would reach their full height when they are one year old and reach their full weight at two years old. English Cream Golden Retrievers are generally larger than American Golden Retrievers.

When Are Golden Retrievers Fully Grown?

Golden Retrievers are generally fully grown by the age of two years old. They reach their full height by the age of one and their full weight by two years old.

Will Neutering Or Spaying My Golden Retriever Affect His Or Her Growth?

Yes, neutering or spaying your Golden Retriever will affect their growth. If you neuter or spay your Golden Retriever at an early age, it is quite probable that your dog will grow taller than it would have if you did not neuter or spay them.  


Golden Retrievers will start small and undergo rapid growth during their first year of life. Not all Golden Retrievers are indeed big; some may be small. Their small frame may be due to genetics, so there is not much that you, as a dog owner, can do to alter that.

You should not try to stunt or accelerate your Golden Retriever’s growth. Instead, you should allow them to grow naturally and in a healthy manner. Your dog is unique, and you should love and accept them as they are.

If you are worried about your Golden Retriever’s growth, consult your veterinarian. Your veterinarian will provide you with accurate information, and if any change needs to be made, your veterinarian will tell you.

So that was it for the query ‘When Do Golden Retrievers Stop Growing?’ and I hope that I have served you with a perfect answer around this topic.

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