Why Do Dogs Mouths Quiver After Licking? (Explained)

Our dogs do many things that we never understand. One of those things includes their mouths quivering after licking. Should you be worried? Is it normal for a dog’s mouth to quiver after licking?

We will be answering these questions and several others to help you understand possible reasons why your dog’s mouth may be quivering after licking.

Why Do Dogs Mouths Quiver After Licking?

Compared to humans, dogs have heightened hearing and tasting. When your dog licks something, their taste buds respond to whatever they have licked. When your dog licks something and its mouth quivers afterward, it is simply a natural response to the taste or texture. On the other hand, our dog may be experiencing some form of oral health issue.

dogs mouth quiver

Reasons Why Do Dogs Mouths Quiver After Licking?

If your doggy smells any of these things like urine, feces, or any other substances containing pheromones, and their mouth quivers after licking, this response of your canine is called Flehmen’s Response.

Other than that, there are numerous reasons behind the quivering of the mouth in your dog. Below I’ve listed a few:

  • A severe oral pain.
  • They are excited.
  • To distract themselves.
  • They might even show dislike-ness towards anything.
  • They are warning other animals to be within their territory.
  • It can be related to your dog’s neurological disorders like Wobblers Syndrome, Epilepsy, or Degenerative Myelopathy.

If your doggy is quivering his mouth without licking anything, this is something to be concerned about. In these cases, you should take your dog to the vet to avoid danger.

Why Do Male Dogs Mouths Quiver After Licking A Female Dog?

Unneutered male dogs generally quiver their mouths after licking a female dog. Neutered male dogs do not experience quivering after licking a female dog as unneutered male dogs, and this is because when a male dog licks a female dog, they tend to feel excited.

That excitement is expressed through their mouths, quivering by instinct. This often happens when they lick female dogs who are in heat. Male dogs will feel excitement at the prospect of possibly mating with the females that are in heat. If your dog has not been around many female dogs, this response may be intensified.

On the other hand, your male dog could be quivering after licking a female dog because they may not be compatible to mate with that specific female dog. If your dog is not compatible with that female dog, she might also show a response to indicate their incompatibility. 

Why Is My Dog’s Mouth Quivering And Drooling?

There are many reasons why your dog could be quivering and drooling. One of those reasons is anxiety. Like us, dogs also experience anxiety, but they simply react to it differently. If your dog is in an uncomfortable or unfamiliar situation or environment, you may notice that they will be quivering and drooling. This reaction is normal, but you should always ensure that your dog is well. 

Another reason why your dog is quivering and drooling is associated with seizures. Focal seizures only affect a portion of the brain, and focal seizures commonly cause dogs to drool and quiver. 

If your dog is quivering, seems to have zoned out, and is not responding to you, then it is likely that your dog may be experiencing a seizure soon. Other signs to look out for to identify whether your dog is experiencing a seizure include jerking, foaming of the mouth, drooling, and loss of consciousness.

If your dog is experiencing a seizure, I will encourage you to time the seizure duration. You should also be there for them so that they do not feel alone and confused during such a difficult time.

Why Is My Dog Trembling Bottom Jaw And Drooling?

A trembling jaw accompanied by drooling is often an indication of health issues. If your dog’s bottom jaw is trembling and they are also drooling, your dog could be experiencing dental pain. The most common cause of dental pain is oral cavity issues.

If your dog has a broken tooth, gingival inflammation, or oral ulcerations, they will experience pain that causes trembling of the bottom jaw and drooling. Other symptoms of oral health issues include bad breath, avoiding hard food, and difficulty eating. 

Other health issues that can cause your dog to drool and a trembling bottom jaw include gastrointestinal issues. Dogs who experience nausea and reflux are prone to s trembling bottom jaw and drooling, and this is often the case when your dog has bloat.

Bloat is a life-threatening health condition that requires immediate medical attention. Although bloat has no definite cause, it is believed that your dog is at risk if they partake in strenuous physical activity shortly after eating a large meal. A dog suffering from bloat will display the following additional symptoms: panting, hard belly vomiting, and abdominal pain.

Suggested Read – Will A Dog With Bloat Still Want To Eat?

Why Does My Dog’s Mouth Quiver After Smelling Something?

As you may already know, dogs tend to have intensely strong smelling. When your dog smells something and quivers in response, it may be excited because they recognize the smell. This may occur when your dog smells food that they like. On the other hand, your dog may smell something they want and quiver at it.

By smelling and quivering at a smell, your dog may be memorizing the scent for the future. Dogs perceive the world through scents more than we do. As your dog can know that you have been around other dogs by smelling you, they can attach memories and experiences to various scents. 

Why Does My Dog Chatter His Teeth When He Smells A Female?

The reason why your dog chatters his teeth after smelling a female dog is because of pheromones. This often occurs amongst unneutered dogs when they catch the scent of female dogs in heat. 

Male dogs experience a stronger urge to mate than female dogs. Along with chattering their teeth after smelling a female, your male dog may display other signs that indicate that they may want to mate. These signs include behavioral changes such as restlessness, roaming, using their urine to mark, and mounting. These behavioral changes are often caused by the presence of a female dog that is in heat.


Dogs quiver for various reasons. Some reasons require medical attention while others do not. You must acquaint yourself with the multiple reasons why your dog may be quivering to ensure that you take them to the veterinarian timeously if it is due to a medical condition.

Knowing the various reasons why your dog may be quivering can also spare you the trouble of worrying when there is no need for you to worry.

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